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Fix SSD slow boot times | 15 comments | Create New Account
  1. However, you may find that everything is faster except the boot from reset, with the initial Apple logo not appearing for about 30 seconds. The fix is to go into System Preferences » Startup Disk.
  2. Slowbot's power will decrease over time reducing its speed and headlight brightness. Embed Buttons To promote Slowbot and grow its popularity ( top games ), use the embed code provided on your homepage, blog, forums and elsewhere you desire.

The current x/build/cmd/makemac binary maintains a static number of macOS VMs of a fixed distribution of macOS versions. (at least, it queries the coordinator for the dashboard/builders.go-configured distribution of versions) But now tha. Recently, Apple has taken Mac users to the warmer places by killing its series of mountain themes and naming the newest macOS version after Mojave desert. Apart from the new name and appearance (which, by the way, can be changed), macOS 10.14 is packed with lots of goodies that should give your Mac a performance boost. Your computer's startup disk may not have enough free disk space. To make disk space available.

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Slow Boat Mac Os X

In my case, I bought the SSD pre-installed in my iMac 27 inch. I only have the option of booting from the SSD. It is the default position with no alternative offered.
Also, I use SuperDuper! to make a clone and all you have to do is partition your EHD and clone the SSD to Partition 1 which is automatically rendered re-bootable; and the Internal HD (called HD2 by Apple) to Partition 2. No need for Images and the rest. Easy & straightforward.

My route to move to my SSD from my spinning disk was even easier than using CCC and swapping hardware:
  1. Do Time Machine backup of old laptop. Turn old laptop off.
  2. Plug Time Machine volume into new laptop.
  3. Mac OS X asks if I want to restore from the TM backup. I said yes.
  4. Go get coffee.
  5. Log into new laptop and continue my work from where I left off.
Couldn't be easier.

Did you boot from a CD or something? A new SSD is formatted for Windows and is completely blank.

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The SSD came in my new laptop. I didn't buy it separately.
But you're right, booting from a CD and formatting it is a fine way of going about it.

For those who want to use this procedure, which has the advantage of not requiring a $30 Universal HDD Adapter but has the disadvantage of not allowing you to test your SSD before you install, the steps are:
1. Log in as a user who does *not* have FileVault enabled and do a Time Machine backup.
2. Open up the Mac (using instructions from and swap the two drives. 3. Insert your system recovery/installation DVD in your optical drive. Restart your computer and press and hold the 'C' key as soon as you hear the chimes until the Apple appears.
4. When you get to the screen saying 'Install Mac OS X,' do not press the 'Continue' button. Instead, go to the Utilites menu and select 'Disk Utility.'
5. Format your SSD as HFS Extended (Journaled), 1 partition. Quit Disk Utility.
6. Go back to the Utilities menu and select 'Restore System From Backup,' choosing your Time Machine backup. The restore should take about three hours.
7. Restart. Go to System Preferenences, set the startup drive, and you're done.

I went to System Preferences/Startup Disk and there were two disks, the new SSD (named Mac OS X 10.6.7 on MacBook_HD) and the Network Startup.
I selected MacBook_HD and I took exactly 30 seconds to reboot.
So, I guess this hint didn't work for me.

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This is not specific to SSDs; I have heard of issues where people have had this long wait becuase their regular hard drive was not selected is Startup Disk.

You are correct. If you swap your drive for an SSD, though, you'll really, really notice the delay because everything else will be so fast. The Apple discussion board has many threads on the problem, some with poor advice.

Quickest way to fix this is to do a pram reset of the computer and it will use the first available boot volume it comes across. The internal drive(s) are checked first. Useful if you just cloned your old drive to a SSD or new hard drive and swapped it out.

I'd like to sum up by saying that if you're handy with a screwdriver (or know someone who is), upgrading to an SSD is a great way to make a three or four-year-old machine feel like new: applications launch 3-5 times faster and, if you have to run Parallels on occasion, launching Windows takes 30 seconds instead of 90.
You can see if your machine can be upgraded by going to 'About this Mac' under the Apple menu and then clicking 'More Info.' Under the Hardware category, click 'Serial-ATA' and see if your current drive is described. If so, an overnight clone and two hours of hardware installation will do the trick. SSDs are about $400 at present but that's still much less than a new machine with a solid state drive.

Not sure why people are discussing how to move data to an SSD, but this hint absolutely works! So odd that with only one bootable drive connected/installed, this still has an effect. But the system does seem to always take the time to search for devices without one explicitly selected.
Took my MBP with Crucial C300 256GB boot up time at a much more SSD appropriate boot speed. Good stuff!

This has nothing specifically to do with SSDs. Just a new drive. Harrahs casino deals. The hint should be changed to be less specific.
The problem is actually not that it can't find the new drive, but that the Mac is specifically looking for the old drive. It will wait in the vane hope of the old drive spinning up and attaching, before it times out and goes through the actually available drives.
Setting the correct disk in Startup Disk will fix the problem as noted, whether the new disk is a SSD or HDD.

I bought a 120GB OWC SSD and it died about two months later. When I say, 'died' I mean, I left my MacPro on over night and the next morning it was hung and the disk was totally dead. It would not boot, the Mac wouldn't boot if the drive was connected. It was completely toast with no chance for data recovery. Fortunately, it was warrantied and swapped by OWC for free. But unfortunately, I lost about two months of data!
So if you have an SSD, being used as a boot and Apps drive, as most would do. Visited: origin mac os. Make sure you clone it on a regular basis. I keep all my data on redundant disks but my startup SSD is cloned via CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner) on a scheduled weekly basis. When an SSD dies, it just outright dies, they make no noise, have no moving parts, won't start failing and get worse, they just completely fail all of a sudden without warning! So be sure to back that drive up!
Cloning is the best backup for a bootable system volume SSD drive. I run mine to boot fast and run all my Apps fast. I also keep my Fusion VM's on it. All my data is across multiple disks in an external RAID box with a second RAID box mirroring it. Critical personal data is encrypted and uploaded to an offsite server in a data center that manages backups for me. The local RAID boxes are more multi-terabyte media libraries. (Scary, I remember my first dialup ISP ran the entire operation on 1TB of storage and I have 10 times that just for my household media!

hi, i tried the 'select startup disk' solution and it didn't work because i didn't realize that in order for the system to make the switch, the secondary drive needs to be connected when doing this!
so i attached the external drive, then went to system preferences and chose the internal drive as startup, and awesome, it worked and boot time cut in half from about 30 seconds to 15! much more like i expected from an SSD.
i notice restarts are even faster, which again proves the point that you don't get the same results from restarts as you do shut downs on many operations. i always prefer a full 'shut down' rather than a restart because it just plain makes things work better after upgrades, installs, etc. the two are definitely not equal.
thank you to 'noworryz' for pointing out a simple solution to slow booting from a new SSD, your post was exactly what i was experiencing. i was really beginning to wonder what was up and what i had done wrong and how much more time it would take to solve this.
so again if you are having the slow boot issue, when you use this 'designate startup disk in system preferences' remedy just be sure to attach the backed up external drive while making the choice of the ssd in System Preferences and it does work!

Slow Boat Mac Os Download

Slowbot Mac OS

The snowmans journey mac os. Brilliant. This is exactly what I needed. I had put my original HDD into a FW enclosure, so I mounted that, then went to system prefs/startup disk, and selected the internal SDD. I also clicked the lock for good measure. Now I get to the gray apple logo almost instantly upon booting, and the whole thing takes 15 seconds.
For the record, I did the quick and dirty clone using CCC with the new SSD in the external FW enclosure (after first formatting it with disk utility), then simply swapped disks. Other than the long boot time (now solved) I haven't noticed any negative side effects from doing it this way.

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